Welcome to the Project!


Welcome to the beginning of Hycia’s campaign! This is the first post of what will surely be many as I begin work to promote my own original card game to you all. And yes, you heard me right, “I.” My name is Dean Petersen, and I am the sole creator, designer, and developer for this entire project. Hycia has been a brainchild of mine for almost a year now, and I’ve taken it entirely upon myself to work as hard as I can to make this dream a reality. I feel that the more I can share with you guys about the journey of this game’s development, the more you might be compelled to follow along with me so that we can all work together to bring this thing to stores.

But now moving on to the card game itself, the reason you’ve decided to look into a project that’s still so unproven. This game is meant to appeal to the players who enjoy coming up with strategies on the spot. This game wants to thrive in a casual, party-based atmosphere, and what you sign up to purchase should feel like an entirely cumulative experience. Tabletop gaming is another huge passion of mine, and those fun memories I’ve had playing games with big groups of friends is what I want more people to be able to enjoy.

Fellow marine biology nerds, this is your call to arms! If you love learning about different kinds of sea creatures as much as I do, than Hycia is definitely the game for you! This project started with me tapping into that original passion: making fun characters out of these aquatic animals I really liked. Over time, that practice evolved into what we have here now: An entirely aquatic world where everything on the planet of Hycia, from characters to locations to the relationships they share, all of it is inspired by our own oceans!

These first few steps will be the most trying, there’s only one of me and there’s no telling how long it might take before I can make this dream a reality. But, like I said before, this is just the beginning! I feel determined to follow through with making the world of Hycia feel complete and totally fleshed out, hundreds of characters to meet and interesting locations and stories all interwoven within this one package.

Please look forward to many more regularly scheduled updates in the future as I continue making headway on building the game world of Hycia. This includes everything from the unveiling of new characters, discussion about the card game and its mechanics, how you can connect and support this project via social media, and so, so much more! If you’ve found yourself formulating any quesitions, be vocal about it! I want to engage with you all as much as I can to make sure that this card game will be the best it can possible be!

To all of you who already feel invested and want to be a part of my dream, you have my utmost respect and appreciation. thank you for discovering the world of Hycia!


Friday Update: Week 1